We are grateful for the service of our veterans and their families in the defense of our sacred freedoms and liberties.
Contact Information
Location: 3970 Research Drive, Sacramento, CA 95838
Phone: (916) 874-6811 // Fax: (916) 854-8900
Email: DHA-VET@saccounty.gov
Hours of Operations:
*Claims Assistance available by appointment only from
8:00AM to 12:00PM and from 1PM to 3PM.
ATTENTION: Customers who arrive more than 15
minutes late for their appointment will be rescheduled.
** Walk-in services are provided for: DMV verification forms, College Fee Waivers, dropping off claims paperwork, and urgent VA matters

About Us Established in 1946 by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, Veterans Services is responsible for assisting veterans and qualified dependents with Veterans Administration (VA) benefit entitlement determinations, claim development, and filing claims to the VA. We also act as advocates and provide case management services for the veterans of Sacramento County.
Benefits are primarily from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); however, we also assist in obtaining earned veterans' benefits from the State of California and local government entities.
Veterans Services administers the CALVET College Fee Waiver Program, which waives "mandatory system wide" tuition and fees for eligible dependents while attending either a California community college, a campus of the California State University (Cal State) system, or a campus of the University of California (UC) system.
The mission of Sacramento County Veterans Services is to serve all veterans and their families with respect, dignity, and compassion by providing prompt and courteous assistance in preparing, submitting, and presenting all claims for benefits to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet), and other programs for which they may be eligible.
To ensure that all veterans and their families understand and receive all the benefits, support, care and recognition that the veteran has earned, by expertly administering all current programs, anticipating future needs and taking appropriate action to meet those needs.
**NOTE** The Sacramento County Veterans Services Office is not the VA. The VA Regional Benefits Office is located at 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612.