Employment Services

What types of employment services do you offer to WTW participants?

The Department of Human Assistance (DHA) offers a variety of services that are designed to help all WTW participants achieve self-sufficiency. Because we continuously update what we offer based on the feedback and needs of our customers, we stay up to date on the job market and employment trends. We will definitely have something for you! Keep reading to find out more about what we have for you!

What is Career Connections/Job Club/Job Search?
Career Connections/Job Club is a job training program available for CalWORKs Welfare-To-Work (WTW) participants. Participants will explore immediate and future career goals and receive the support of all Employment Services staff. Participants will receive training in resume writing, interviewing, job searching, life skills and more. There will also be time for job searching where participants will receive one-on-one coaching, job-matching and interview referrals. For more information read the Job Club Pamphlet.

Information for WTW Participants
CWEX is designed to help WTW participants gain employment skills and experience through non-salaried job placement. This experience helps participants gain knowledge and work habits in a true employment setting. By the end of the CWEX placement, participants are more employable which can result in permanent employment. Some employers even decide to hire at the end of your placement! WTW participants. For more information, read the CWEX Fact Sheet.

Information for Employers
CWEX is designed to help WTW participants gain employment skills and experience through non-salaried job placement. This experience helps participants gain knowledge and work habits in a true employment setting. You will be assisting participants to become more employable and gain work experience helping them become gainfully employed. Some employers even decide to hire at the end of the placement! Employers interested in becoming a CWEX partner, read the CWEX Fact Sheet for more information.

Job Talk is an easy way to get information on immediate job openings. Job developers will be available to provide referrals to current job openings, job search information and assistance, and employment events. Employers who are ready to hire are often at Job Talk. Job Talks are open to the public. Read more information and find the schedule:

If you are an employer who would like to present at Job Talk, read more i​nformation:

Job Link Brochure

Subsidized Employment Flyer​​

Information for WTW Participants
The Subsidized Employment Program is a chance for WTW participants to gain real on the job training and experience through paid employment! These jobs are full time and permanent. You will also receive the support of a Job Developer for the first 6 months of employment.

Find out more about this exciting program

Information for Employers
Subsidized Employment is a wage reimbursement program that allows employers to provide real on the job training to participants for up to six months. Participants transition into permanent unsubsidized employment after the subsidy period ends. Employers will find that they will be provided with a selection of job ready candidates to fill open positions. If you would like to partner with us or for more information read​ the flyer.

Vocational Assessment Counselors (VACs) are available to help WTW participants with career planning, information on completing high school, learning and physical disabilities testing, degree evaluations for those who went to college in another country and more!
For more information, read the fact sheet.

Family Stabilization is a supportive voluntary program offered to WTW participants who are in crisis due to homelessness, domestic violence and troubled youth. For more information read the pamphlet.

Child Care
Many WTW participants are eligible to child care free of cost!

WTW Participants
Child Care Fact Sheet
Child Care Web site.

Providers/Potential Providers
Child Care Fact Sheet​​​​