Veterans Links Page

collapse URL : Agent Orange ‎(1)
Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide the U.S. military used to clear leaves and vegetation for military operations mainly during the Vietnam War. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related illnesses.
collapse URL : Find a VA Form ‎(1)
Search for a VA form by keyword, form name, or form number.
collapse URL : National Personnel Records Center ‎(1)
If you have been discharged from military service, your personnel files are stored here at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). We are the official repository for records of military personnel who have been discharged from the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard.
collapse URL : RAPIDS ID Card Office Online:  ‎(1)
Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System and Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) are operational program in support of resources/benefits management, critical defense missions, the Uniformed Services Identification Card program, and awareness regarding benefits to which Uniformed Services personnel and their family members are entitled.
collapse URL : U.S Department of Veterans Affairs ‎(1)
USDVA Homepage.
collapse URL : VA Compensation Benefit Rates:  ‎(1)
The VA compensation rate is adjusted for cost of living, if you would like to know your rate, please follow link above.
collapse URL : VA Compensation Eligibility:  ‎(1)
 Review VA disability benefits eligibility criteria to find out if you can get disability compensation for an illness or injury that was caused by—or got worse because of—your active military service. Compensation may include financial support and other benefits like health care.
collapse URL : VA Regional Office Locator ‎(1)
Find location of any VA facility based on address.
collapse URL : Vietnam Veterans of America ‎(1)
Arizona State Council. Has map of Vietnam with all units and location of station as well as allies forces.